The Signature Rendu SE Deluxe is the latest version of the Signature Rendu SE, the absolute finest streaming USB source Sonore has made. The Signature Rendu SE Deluxe is the natural evolution of Sonore’s ultraRendu and Sonore’s acclaimed Signature Power Supply. The upgrade improves clocking, mainboard layout and USB. CARDAS solder is used. A Synergistics Purple fuse is a mandatory upgrade if one is not already fitted.
The Signature Rendu SE Deluxe takes fiber optic Ethernet input or cable ethernet input and renders it to a perfect, ultra-low noise USB feed to one’s USB DAC.
The SE takes advantage of single chassis design, allowing close coupling of the power supply and processing board for the ultimate in ultra-low impedance and ultra-low noise power delivery. The SE processing board uses a large footprint to allow for multiple independent low noise voltage regulation stages, and better physical separation of the Ethernet processing and USB output sections, further reducing noise and crosstalk. Two ultra-low phase noise (so-called “femto”) oscillator are used to govern all processing, network circuits and USB audio circuits.
Sonore Signature Rendu is not available from HiFi stores. Some on-line reviewers have described it as the best digital music interface available. There are several on-line descriptions of the subtle improvements provided by this upgrade.
The Signature Rendu SE Deluxe is systemOptique Certified.
Leadtime on the components required is normally around 4 weeks