Powerful, flexible, streamer, server, player
2024 version, all systems faster, more options
Standard, or high-performance (Roon) specification
Same width as many HiFi amplifiers (440mm/335mm options)
All aluminum, finned cooling (Silent operation. No fans)
- Sonicorbiter V2.8 based, Nova software, many advanced features
- All versions exceed Roon minimum requirements
- Up to 12TB of internal SSD storage
- Low resonance, all aluminum. Heatpipe cooling. Completely silent.
- Support flac, wav, alac, aiff, etc including PCM768/DSD 512 and streaming services
- Interactive visual tag, and cover-art editing options
- All with operating system on SSD + Choice of powerful CPU
- Ultra low-jitter USB audiophile output port playback option
- ‘Roonify’ Playback to NAIM/Linn network streamers (even old ones) via inc Sonore Bridge
- Onboard SongKong option will integrate NAIM wav library
- Roon playback from ‘local’ DAC, Squeezelite, NAA network devices or to Roonready streamers
- Rip direct to library with convenient in-built CD drive (Rip to lossless flac or uncompressed)
Switch between: LMS, Roon Server, MPD, DLNA, SONOS, HQ Server embedded, HQ Player, Minimserver, PLEX, Bubble, Airplay Input. Or run multi-apps on same music library to different playback devices
Play to USB, network or NAA (microRendu etc) from internal drive, NAS or external USB drive inc playback to ALL NAIM/Linn network streamers from Roon (even old ones, see below) (Also Melco, Moon etc)
Bridged Ethernet versions fitted 2nd network port allowing NAA device such as microRendu, ultraRendu, network DAC, SOtM etc to be attached directly
– Power consumption: 12-20w, ~90w peak (Ultra+ ~100w peak) Lite version, 8-12w, ~35w peak
– Ports: USB x 2 (DAC and back-up) Gigabit network
Size Regular version: W335mm x D290mm, H60mm (Matches 2/3 width HiFi) (+ 8 mm, feet)
Size: Wide version: W435mm x D325mm, H60mm (Matches full width HiFi) (+ 8 mm, feet)
Size: Narrow version: W240mm x D250mm, H100mm (Matches half width HiFi) (+ 8 mm, feet)
XL and Ultra versions have EMF treatment to data SSD
We reserve 30GB of storage for system software and libraries (60GB, 2TB and above)
Tested roon DSP up-scaling performance (Standard model, others much faster)
44.1Khz to DSD256 (x3.1), (DSD128 (x5.4), (DSD64 (x10.4)
44.1Khz to 192Khz (x17.9), 384Khz (x10.7), 768Khz (x5.7))
Systems CPU comparison
Roon Nucleus is a dual core i3 with 4GB of RAM
Roon Nucleus+ is a dual core i7 with 8GB of RAM
Audiostore Systems include 250GB SSD internal storage as standard (Faster and better than NAS or external storage). So can store at least 400 CDs. See options for additional storage
We use high performance, low energy, versions of full-spec CPUs (not the puny devices used in most competitive products) Standard is dual-core (Gen 4). PLUS is dual-core, 4-thread (Gen 4). XL is hex-core (Gen 8/9) ULTRA fast dual-core, 4-thread, (Gen12). ULTRA+ is hex-core, 12-thread (Gen 12). Specifications subject to change
Premium is not Roon certified but is similar to certified products based on Sonicorbiter SW. (SonicTransporter and Antipodes Servers) For Roon playback use the ‘Enable Local Playback’ option on Settings/Roon Server, or use Roonready with a external renderer, such as microrendu, ultrarendu. You can also use Squeezelite for Roon playback. (Enable Squeezebox compatibility in Roon)
You need a Roon licence or trial to use Roon. HQPlayer Server requires a licence but will run 20 mins in demo mode (as often as you wish)
How do I use this? – Connect to your router. Add a USB DAC, or, for best results add a Sonore ultraRendu on the network as endpoint for Roon, Squeezebox, etc. Most versions of Prestige allow use of HQPlayer which may also improve quality in some systems
Note: Hardware shortages mean that products are subject to change
Review(s) posted
Grandioser Roon Server – Niels WE Germany
Ich habe den Premium Roon Server nun 4 Monate spielen. Ich bin fasziniert von dem klanglichen Ergebnis. Roon läuft über 16 GB XL ultra stabil und völlig Fehlerfrei. Einige meiner Freunde sind ebenfalls vom Premium Server total begeistert. Das Gerät sieht dazu extrem wertig aus und wird noch nichtmal lauwarm. CDs rippen geht mit dem eingebauten Laufwerk kinderleicht. Insgesamt lässt sich das Gerät sehr einfach bedienen. Ich war von der ersten Sekunde an begeistert und kann nach 4 Monaten nur mein größtes Kompliment aussprechen. Wie viel Ruhe und Schwärze ich mit dem Klangbild dazugewonnen habe, lässt mir regelmäßig den Atem stocken. Kein Vergleich zu meinen vorigen Servern, welche auch nicht gerade billig waren. Ich kann den Premium Server jedem echten High End Liebhaber nur ans Herz legen. Martin ist ein sehr netter Mensch der grundsätzlich mit Rat und Tat zur Seite steht. Also den super Service möchte ich natürlich auch Lobenswert erwähnen. Vielen Dank das dieses Gerät meine Musiksammlung bereichert hat. 10 von 10 Punkten an den wunderbaren Premium Server.
Audiostore Premium, Peter
I was looking for a premium server on which Roon Core with all the possible additional functions can be executed without any problems. The server was delivered in January after a short lead time. The processing and sound quality is excellent. Everything great! At the point again an express thanks to Martin for his patience who answered all my questions in detail and for his good advice regarding the configuration of the premium server. The server is powered by a UpTone JS-2, which I also ordered. In the future, I will certainly contact Martin first regarding questions / expanding my system.
Un formidable appareil Hi-fi – Philippe
Fin décembre 2014 après avoir regardé un tas d’appareils avec les mêmes possibilités, je me suis finalement décidé pour acheter une VortexBox Premium avec 4TB d’espace. Mon choix c’est porté sur cet appareil car au regard de ses possibilités il n’y a rein d’équivalent chez la concurrence à prix égal! Après plusieurs Explications avec la société, à vrais dire avec Martin (encore un tout grand merci à toi pour ton temps et ta patience) nous avons finalisé la commende de ma VB avec les différentes options dont j’avais besoin pour l’insérer dans mon installation. Ma VB est branchée sur un Dac Aune S16 et raccordée sur un amplificateur Musical Fidelity M6si avec des haut-parleurs Kef Q900. Pour le fonctionnement de la VB j’ai simplement installé l’application Ipeng sur un IPad et le tour est joué. Quel plaisir et quelle facilité d’utilisation, il suffit d’insérer un CD de votre collection et la VB fait le reste! Un réel plaisir de retrouver tous vos CD en un simple glissement de doigt et avec une qualité de son vraiment très très bonne. La VB fonctionne sans être trop bruyante et ne chauffe pratiquement pas. Depuis j’en ai même profité pour prendre un abonnement à “Qobus” et là également un vrai plaisir avec cette VB. De plus et ce n’est pas négligeable, à chaque hésitation sur une utilisation, un petit Mail à Martin, et vous avez la réponse à vos incertitudes. Que du bonheur.
VortexBox Premium – Nick Blight
I bought the Premium back in July 2013 I went for the Premium because it was a standard 19 size box to fit in with everything else ,the box looks great !! I had been looking for a system to rip/store all of my music and would playback at CD quality ,my setup is a Cambridge Audio NP30 through a Azur 840a to a pair of B&W CM9 s The software is very easy to use and you can add and delete files easily as I have added files through my computer ,and have also been able to add missing artwork The sound quality is excellent and it plays gapless tracks as if it were the original CD I use either my i-phone or i-pad to control the music it is so easy to play any tracks or whole albums Have not had any problems with playing tracks even when the NP30 was only connected on the wi-fi (have since hardwired everything) My only criticize is on the backup side, would have liked a remote network drive option instead of USB only I have used a piece of software called Allway sync to backup my library onto a nas drive Would and have recommend this kit,after care is also excellent questions answered very quickly
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